Currency conversion

Convert between a wide variety of currencies

Say no to bank visits, check out our rates and compare us to our competitors, learn how you can exchange, transfer and pay with your money all within one app
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1 EUR = 1.14 USD

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Regardless of your team’s size, our company cards offer full support. Spend securely using physical and virtual debit cards that you manage
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Convert Between a Wide Variety of Currencies

Never miss out on the best exchange rates. Track rates and convert instantly in more than 30 currencies!
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Don’t Have an Account in a Currency You Want?

We will automatically open an account for you or open an account manually in over 90+ currencies in just a few simple steps
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Pay Globally

Travel without worry, zenbank’s cards automatically use the account of the currency you are paying in.
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Exchange Even While You Sleep

Set a conversion order for a desired amount and rate and we’ll handle the rest
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Faster Transfers, Fairer Rates

Send to any currency & send across the globe. we guarantee swift and secure online transfers, join (10000) people who use zendbank for their daily trasfers
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Find Your Currency

Discover the best exchange rates for more than 20 different currencies, ensuring you can convert your money quickly and easily.
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Do more with fliq

Regardless of your team’s size, our company cards offer full support. Spend securely using physical and virtual debit cards that you manage


Everything you need to know about the product and billing.

Yes, you can try us for free for 30 days. If you want, we’ll provide you with a free, personalized 30-minute onboarding call to get you up and running as soon.

Yes, you can try us for free for 30 days. If you want, we’ll provide you with a free, personalized 30-minute onboarding call to get you up and running as soon.

Yes, you can try us for free for 30 days. If you want, we’ll provide you with a free, personalized 30-minute onboarding call to get you up and running as soon.

Yes, you can try us for free for 30 days. If you want, we’ll provide you with a free, personalized 30-minute onboarding call to get you up and running as soon.

Yes, you can try us for free for 30 days. If you want, we’ll provide you with a free, personalized 30-minute onboarding call to get you up and running as soon.

Yes, you can try us for free for 30 days. If you want, we’ll provide you with a free, personalized 30-minute onboarding call to get you up and running as soon.

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